Saturday, January 28, 2012

(Re) Joining The Club

Once upon a time my room-mate convinced me that I should blog.  She said I would become addicted to sharing my thoughts with the world.  She also convinced me to join facebook.  I  became addicted to both. ;)  After a few years my blog started to grow more recognizable than I was comfortable with. I tried to keep it anonymous but that was harder and harder to maintain.  I didn't want the people in my life to feel like their trust had been in any way compromised, so I took down my blog.  I intended to sort through it all - removing the birth stories for my own records only, reposting the eductational and informative stuff.  But as it turns out I accidentally deleted the whole thing.  All 5 years disappeared in one inadvertent keystroke.  *sigh*

Well, what's done is done.  I left the world of blogging altogether.  I married Nathan.  Moved from Cobourg to Brighton.  Quit my job at Northumberland  YFC.   Started doing postpartum doula work and teaching private childbirth education alongside being a birth doula. Gave birth to Levi Nathaniel. Began studying the use of herbs and aromatherapy more formally through Birth Arts International.  Let go of my birth doula certification with DONA International and began certifying through Birth Arts International instead. Was offered the opportunity to guest post on a colleagues blog. Realized I really missed having my own blog.  Started thinking about what my new blog could look like.....

And so here we are.  I begin again.  Posting about whatever things cross my path, that catch my eye.  Mostly things related to the world of birth, natural health, herbs, being a wife & mother.

In the meantime, to get things started, I've moved over a few work-related posts from my website. I'm excited to be back.

When In Doubt - Breathe

My experience as a doula has shown me that birth is natural, normal, beautifully intricate, and a force of nature worthy of our respect. My experience as a doula has also shown me that birth plans and birth reality rarely cross paths. The preparation of a birth plan can be a useful learning and communication tool, but making a plan and handing it to your caregiver doesn’t mean that your plan will be realized.
Preparing a birth plan can help you sort out what you really want, and whether or not your desires are compatible with the practices of your chosen caregiver and birthing location. If what you want is already the standard of care, there is no need to write it in a birth plan. If what you want is NOT the standard of care, just writing it down is not sufficient. You will need to communicate with your care provider and negotiate for your desires in light of their policies, procedures, and preferences.
It is important to think about what things are most important to you, which things are not important at all, and WHY. If you know WHY something is important, then you can look for alternate opportunities to creatively integrate those important things, if necessary.
Working through a birth plan allows you to explore the pros and cons of all the options. Then, if you have to make a choice you weren’t expecting - a choice that deviates from your expectations and plans of birth - you will already know what your options are and be more prepared to make choices that are right for you.
And sometimes, no matter how carefully we plan, prepare, and negotiate for birth - - things may take an unexpected turn.
No matter what happens though…. No matter how quickly or slowly your birth unfolds…. No matter how small or large a change you have to make in your expectations and hopes for your desired birth experience…. Whatever happens…. When in doubt…. You can breathe.
You can choose to relax your body, and you can choose to breathe in a way that nourishes and sustains you and your baby. You can find a rhythm and a ritual that are meaningful and helpful to you in the moment. Your breath is literally the breath of life to your child, and it is a gift you can continue to give your baby, no matter how your birth experience unfolds.
Your rhythm, your ritual, your ability to relax, and your very breath, can carry you through.

Preparing For Emergency Childbirth

Many expecting parents worry that they won't make it to the hospital in time, and will deliver their baby alone at home or in the back of their car on the shoulder of the highway. While we all have plans for birth, sometimes birth takes an unexpected turn. Sometimes traffic is bad, the weather slows you down, a natural disaster strikes, or the hospital closes. When you give place somewhere other than where you planned, and without the professional help you were counting on, we usually hear this called "emergency" childbirth.

When prospective clients are interviewing me, one of the questions I'm often asked is "Have you ever delivered a baby? If things happened fast would you know what to do?"

I explain that while catching their baby is outside my scope of practice as a doula, I have done it before (under the supervision of a midwife), and I maintain current first aid & CPR skills so if it came right down to it, and there was no way around it, I would take off my doula hat, put on my "first aider" hat, and do the best I could for them.

The thing is, birth is normal. Healthy. Generally safe here in Canada. Even if you do find yourself unexpectedly giving birth without a dr/nurse/midwife at your side to help - - it's not likely an emergency.

The first thing to do is take a big breath and say "This isn't an emergency. I just need to stay calm and take things one step at a time." Despite the yelling and drama you see on tv, childbirth is a process that is designed to work. While there are exceptions to every rule, if the labouring woman has safety, privacy, and warmth, and her labour is unhindered, she & baby will be just fine in the VAST majority of cases. Keeping all that in mind....

The second thing to do, after you've taken your deep calming breath, is pull out this fabulous handout from the American College of Nurse Midwives. Follow the instructions there, and you'll be off to a good start.  The ACNM also offer this handout which is an expansion of the one above and includes information on how to deal with a few common complications of birth.

I recommend you read through the handouts sometime early in your third trimester. Gather the supplies. Put a print out of the pages with your birth supplies, and put it all somewhere that is both safe AND easily accessible.

"Emergency childbirth" doesn't have to be feared, if you've taken some time to prepare!

Birth Matters

Many women and couples today find it difficult to fit childbirth education classes into their busy schedules. They might watch an episode of Baby Story, or read "What To Expect..." At most, they manage a short crash course at their local hospital or health unit. From my clients’ point of view, the health unit courses tend to focus on healthy prenatal nutrition; the hospital courses tend to focus on being a good patient; and the vast majority of mainstream media portrayals of birth breed fear not confidence. My clients were coming to me and saying they needed “more”. They had attended classes hoping to learn about the birth process, but came out feeling anxious and less prepared than ever. That's why I began offering private teaching sessions for my clients, and for other couples in the community as well. We spend a solid hour per topic – in the comfort of your home and at times that fit your schedule – talking through and practicing and exploring the areas that YOU want to know about. If you do not have access to a high-quality independent childbirth education class, I encourage you to check out It is an inexpensive (ie less than $5!) application you can download for your iphone or access online, which takes you through positions and comfort measures and checklists etc, for birth. It’s not a real live person giving you continuous hands-on support, knowledge & encouragement – but it’s better than nothing! It's also a great 'on the fly' teaching tool for doulas.
Let’s fast forward a few months to labour though shall we? If you’ve hired a doula, you don’t actually have to remember every detail of your classes because your doula knows that stuff like the back of her hand and will refresh you on the fly. Your doula will help you explore your options prenatally, and will be your real-life cheat sheet during labour and birth.
What if you didn’t attend classes though AND you don’t have a doula**? Or you attended a basic class but didn’t think about it again and certainly didn't practice what you learned on a regular basis? It’s kinda like attending the first day of math class, leaving your textbook in your backpack all semester, then showing up for the final exam three months later and expecting to pass. Yes, birth is a natural process, and if all you do is show up at the hospital doors, chances are good that you will be holding your baby in your arms within 24 hours….. but birth is about so much more than just having a baby. Every birth experience transforms you. Your experience of giving birth – how you were treated and how you felt – changes how you relate to your family and to your child; it changes how you see yourself.

Women who have some distance from their childbearing years – women generally who are 50+ - have told me – WITHOUT EXCEPTION – that they wish they had a doula with them when they gave birth. They tell me that when they were pregnant they thought it would all 'just happen' and that the only thing that mattered was a healthy mom and a healthy baby. They tell me that even after baby #1, they were so engulfed by the responsibilities of new parenthood that they didn't make time to think about what their options were for the next baby - "we'll just do it the same as last time". But then time passes, their children grow, and they start to realize that the experience of giving birth 25 years ago still affects them every day. They realize now, that there is so much more to birth than just a healthy mom and a healthy baby. And so they say to me, in parking lots, and at checkout counters, and in the farmers market:
"I wish I had known enough 25 years ago, to have someone like you with me. How you give birth matters so much more than I thought it did at the time."

I know that despite all this, many women today still believe that the only thing that matters is a healthy mom and a healthy baby. Of course we want everyone to be healthy. But there is so much more to life than just basic health. There is beauty and freedom and confidence and joy and power and... and... and...

How you give birth matters. That is why I am so passionate about women having the support they need to navigate the waters of birth in Canada. I want every new parent to come out of their birth experience feeling confident and prepared for the road before them. I want every new parent to be able to look back on their birth experience and find their moments of strength, courage, and joy. The reality is, if you just show up at the hospital doors - under-prepared and ill-informed like the vast majority of Canadian women unknowingly do - you will still likely walk out (relatively) healthy, but you might not walk out happy and that affects your well-being too. It affects you, it affects your child, and it affects you forever.

You research what stroller you want. You research the car seat and the breast pump and the diapers.... please take some time to research the experience of birth itself, and what it takes to have a good birth experience. I think you'll discover for yourself, that birth really does matter.

** "One study found doula support without childbirth classes to be more helpful than childbirth classes alone, as measured by levels of emotional distress and self-esteem evaluated at an interview four months after birth. In particular, it was noted that women in the doula-supported group reported their infants as less fussy than the group attending childbirth class without any doula support. - - Manning-Orenstein, Grace, "A birth intervention: the thereapeutic effects of doula support versus Lamaze preparation on first-time mothers' working models of caregiving." Alternative Therapies, July 1998, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 73-81.

To learn more about common practices in birth, and how they affect you, and your baby, please see:
Mothers Advocate – If you want to make informed choices about your pregnancy and birth, but are concerned that you might get overwhelmed by too much information, or don’t want to read, start here. Mothers Advocate gives you the bottom line on the most important things you need to know, in short video clips.
Science & Sensibility - A Research Blog About Healthy Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond from Lamaze International.
Thinking Woman’s Guide To A Better Birth by Henci Goer. This book “puts the power of the latest scientific research on childbirth into the hands of women to help them discern the facts from the myths and make informed decisions about their maternity care."
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarah J. Buckley. “This book gives you the WHOLE story to help you with your most important decisions in birth and mothering.”
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth - This is an online overview of results of the best available research about effects of specific maternity practices today. LOTS of detail!!

What You Need To Know About Fetal Monitoring

While doing my daily ‘tour’ of birth-related blogs today, this April 2010 headline caught my eye: “Common Intervention Leads To Needless C-Sections”
What the author Alex Friedman is referring to, is continuous electronic fetal monitoring (efm).
For the record, SOGC’s position on fetal monitoring/surveillance can be found here. They recommend intermittent monitoring in low risk women, and specify what situations might warrant a move to continuous monitoring instead. I have been unable to find Canadian statistics on efm use. In the 2006 Listening to Mothers Survery, 94% of (US) women reported that they had continuous efm. In 2001, 20% of labours in Canada were induced, and as of 2008-2009 the epidural rate in Ontario was 60%, and the caesarean rate was about 25% (27.7% in Canada).
While continuous monitoring is considered necessary during inductions, epidurals, and in other ‘high-risk’ situations, this necessity does not change the risk of the mother having a caesarean section as a result of the data obtained through continuous efm.
When you check in to the hospital to give birth, they generally hook you up to “the monitors”. To hook up the monitors, a stretchy band is wrapped around your contracting belly, which holds two round discs in place – the disc at the top of your belly (a tocometer) measures the frequency (how often they come) and duration (how long they last) of your contractions, and the disc lower down on your belly is an ultrasound device that measures the baby’s heart rate. It’s important to know that the “Tocometer” (aka tocodynamometer) measures how much force your belly puts against the toco disc as a way of measuring your uterine contractions – so if you carry extra weight around your mid-section, the toco might not pick up the real strength of your contractions. If you sneeze, shift, bend etc - all that movement is picked up by the toco too. 
If for some reason your caregivers feel like the external devices aren’t recording accurately enough, they may want to place an internal monitor instead. A thin wire is passed through Mom’s opening cervix, and threaded into babies scalp. This gives doctors a direct reading of the fetal heart rate, and if they have placed an IUPC (intra-uterine pressure catheter) at the same time, they’ll have a more accurate reading of contraction pressure too. If they don’t place an IUPC, you might find yourself with both an internal monitor for baby AND an external monitor for you (I’ve seen it happen). 
Once you’re all hooked up and ready to go, the monitors will give a printout of what they are recording – you’ll see this as two squiggly lines either on a long piece of paper, or on a computer monitor. The top line is baby’s heart rate, and the bottom line is your contractions. Interpreting what these squiggly lines mean, and then interpreting what to DO about it, is as much art and personal judgement, as it is science. What one caregiver sees as an emergency, another caregiver may very well see as normal. (I’ve seen this happen too)
Which brings me to the article by Alex Friedman. I’ve interspersed key portions of the article with my own thoughts.
“Fetal heart-rate monitoring is a screening test. Good tests get several things right; they are cheap, detect a possible problem when there is still time to act, and minimize unnecessary follow-up tests.”
I would also add that in my opinion, a good screening test has an appropriate risk-benefit ratio. If the risks are high but the benefits are low, and even if the risks are low but the results aren’t reliable (false positives and/or false negatives), that doesn’t seem like a very good screening tool to me – why go through a procedure that isn’t going to give you meaningful information for your decision-making process?

“The Pap smear is an excellent screening test: By examining a few cells brushed from the cervix - where the vagina opens into the uterus - doctors catch precancerous changes - or even early cancer - when it is easy to treat.
But fetal heart monitoring is an appallingly poor test. The test misses the majority of babies with cerebral palsy, the condition researchers hoped it would prevent. It causes increased rates of a painful and invasive surgery: cesarean section. Even worse, almost all women undergo continuous heart monitoring during labor, not just those at highest risk.
… A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that only 1 of 500 babies with a bad strip had cerebral palsy. Moreover, it remained unclear if the condition had developed before labor, in which case cesarean couldn't prevent it.
A 2006 analysis by the British Cochrane Collaboration, evaluating all available research, found that fetal heart monitoring failed to reduce perinatal mortality - the risk of a baby's dying late in pregnancy, during birth, or shortly after birth - and increased cesarean section rates and forceps deliveries, compared with listening to a baby's heart rate intermittently.”
Yep, you read that last sentence correctly.
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring does NOT reduce the risk of your baby dying, and does NOT catch the very condition it was designed to prevent (cerebral palsy) but it DOES increase your risk of having a surgical birth.

Everyone wants a healthy baby and a healthy mother. You might hear caregivers tell you that they have to monitor continuously for the safety of baby. Some will go so far as to say that Mom is being selfish when she doesn’t want to be continuously monitored, and they say this isn’t about her comfort, or her ‘nice experience’, but about making sure her baby is born alive and healthy. Just remember, if you are a healthy low-risk woman with a normal pregnancy, the evidence says that continuous efm isn’t ‘safer’ at all! “Even for high-risk fetuses, evidence of the benefit of electronic monitoring… is lacking.” - quoted in “The Thinking Woman’s Guide To Birth” by H. Goer
“Steven Clark and Gary Hankins, two prominent obstetricians, voiced my (the author Alex Friedman’s) frustration. “A test leading to an unnecessary major abdominal operation in more than 99.5 percent of cases should be regarded by the medical community as absurd at best,” they wrote in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. "Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring has probably done more harm than good."

So why do doctors still use continuous fetal monitoring, if the research shows that it probably does more harm than good? Most often you’ll hear an answer along the lines of “better safe than sorry.” Whether it is expressed as a fear of being sued, as insurance company requirements, or as a genuine belief on the part of obstetricians that it is in the baby’s best interest for the mother to undergo major abdominal surgery, these are all variations on the “better safe than sorry” theme. (I won’t get into the whole discussion here about how we currently weigh out baby’s best interest versus mother’s best interest)
I think there might be more to it than “better safe than sorry”. Obstetricians in North America must have malpractice insurance. If they get sued, their insurance rates go up, and this has the potential to force them out of practice. Their livelihood, and the wellbeing of their families is at stake. How motivated would YOU be to change the way you work, if you knew that doing so might result in you losing your job? Try not to forget that OB’s have to pay the bills just like the rest of us.

So let’s put some pieces together:
Research shows that continuous efm in low-risk situations does more harm than good.
Doctors, who are rarely in medicine ‘just for the money’, but are there because they want to somehow help people, are worried about being sued because it puts both their livelihood and their ability to help people, on the line.
IF doctors make the switch from continuous to intermittent efm on the grounds that continuous efm is harmful, suddenly the door swings wide open for women who underwent caesarean surgery due to “a bad strip”, to sue doctors for causing them harm.
The OB is now damned if they “do” AND doomed if they “don’t”. What’s an obstetrician to do?
I’m not making excuses, and I’m not trying to downplay the pain of women who underwent un-necesareans, I’m just trying to walk a mile in the OB’s shoes. You have to know where people are coming from, before you have a chance at making a change.

Aside from the money issue, obstetrics has a history of being slow to make changes based on available research. Doctors knew that hand-washing would slow the spread of infection and decrease maternal mortality rates for years, before they finally started washing their hands. DES continued to be prescribed even after it was shown to do at best, nothing beneficial. Cytotec is still in use on L&D units, even though its own manufacturer says that use is off-label. Why should we be surprised that - in an age where we want a paper-trail for everything; where science trumps intuition; where the one with the best lawyer wins – doctors continue to require continuous efm for low-risk women? I don’t think we should be surprised at all… but we should be motivated to protect ourselves; we should be prepared to work for change.

The Bottom Line:
If you are a healthy and low-risk pregnant woman (which is the vast majority of you), one of the best things you can do to protect yourself against an un-necessarean, is to NOT CONSENT to continuous efm in your healthy low-risk labour.

Intermittent efm (listening before and after a few contractions, every 30-60 minutes) gives the caregiver just as much useful data as continuous efm, but without an increased surgical risk for Mom. And there is risk for Mom. Cesarean surgery is major abdominal surgery and the more of them you have, the higher the risks become. Visit Childbirth Connection to learn more about caesarean surgery risks.

If your doctor and hospital include continuous efm in their low-risk birth policies, saying no to continuous efm the day you arrive at the hospital is not usually enough. If you want to protect yourself against an unnecessary surgery, talk to your doctor in advance of your labour day, about your monitoring options. If you’re lucky, your doctor and hospital use intermittent monitoring whenever possible and so you are already one step closer to a safe vaginal birth. Either way, have them write in your file that as long as you remain low-risk (and have your doctor be specific about how they define low-risk) you can have intermittent rather than continuous monitoring. That way if a different doctor is on-call or your nurse doesn’t agree, you can refer them to the written orders in your file.
Please know that if your labour is induced (20% of Canadian women), or if you have an epidural (60% of Ontario women), these interventions both move you into a category which SOGC says require continuous monitoring, and come with their own substantial list of risks and benefits that will need to be weighed out. I’ll write about those things soon.

To learn more about common practices in birth, and how they affect you, and your baby, please see:
Mothers Advocate – If you want to make informed choices about your pregnancy and birth, but are concerned that you might get overwhelmed by too much information, or don’t want to read, start here. Mothers Advocate gives you the bottom line on the most important things you need to know, in short video clips.
Science & Sensibility - A Research Blog About Healthy Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond from Lamaze International.
Thinking Woman’s Guide To A Better Birth by Henci Goer. This book “puts the power of the latest scientific research on childbirth into the hands of women to help them discern the facts from the myths and make informed decisions about their maternity care."
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarah J. Buckley. “This book gives you the WHOLE story to help you with your most important decisions in birth and mothering.”
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth - This is an online overview of results of the best available research about effects of specific maternity practices today. LOTS of detail!!